Wilson Field Supporting Local Charities

Supporting charities close to home

Authored by Kelly Burton

Kelly Burton

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Approximate read time: 2 minutes

It makes you feel good when you help someone out, doesn’t it?

Like many companies we regularly raise money for charities throughout the year – the chosen good cause is usually nominated by one of our colleagues here at Wilson Field.

Wilson Field supporting local charities is nothing new, we think it’s important to support close to home. This year, so far, we have helped numerous causes including Neurocare, St Luke’s Hospice, Whirlow Hall Farm Trust, a local food bank and Cavendish Cancer Charity.

The Macmillan bake sale went down a treat

The Macmillan bake sale went down a treat

The range of fundraising events, whether it’s a dress down days, raffle, bring-and-bake, sponsored run or abseiling – is never boring.

As well as charities we also like to help grassroots sports, so important in encouraging the next generation of athletes. This year we are backing sports teams including Parkhead Cricket Club and Sheffield Collegiate Cricket Club, both of whom have active junior teams and activities.

We are not a large corporate, but Wilson Field supporting local charities is something we like to do, as it’s great to put something back into our community.

The benefits are many. Of course, each cause benefits financially from our donation but there’s more. It generates a feel-good factor, great for staff morale when people help others. We also try and gain associated PR which helps showcase the cause.

Wilson Field Supporting Local Charities

Wilson Field staff at St Luke’s Sheffield Hospice

Reading a recent online article it now seems there is an added bonus – there may be hidden benefits in that potential clients’ and professional introducers’ attitudes are more positive towards companies which are seen to engage in CSR activities.

Positive corporate values are important to consumers with the socially-conscious abandoning brands they do not feel have positive corporate values or behaviours.

So supporting a good cause really does make everyone feel good.

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